How To Take Care Of Uncertified Land, Starting From Kelurahan To BPN

YOGYAKARTA Land certificates are documents that sign the ownership of land, land, or property. However, there are still uncertified lands. In order to have these documents, the owner must know how to manage uncertified land.

Quoted from the Madiun Regency Asset Data Management Information System, land certificates are valid proof of personal ownership and property rights. The certificate was issued by the National Land Agency (BPN).

Although the existence of land certificates is very important, in reality there is still land that does not yet have a certificate from BPN. For example, uncertified land is customary land. There is also a girik land whose proof of the land power is called a girik letter.

Owners of customary land and girik land must take care of issuing certificates to BPN so that the owner has evidence as well as legal certainty in the eyes of the state. It should be noted that the process of arranging land certificates from the girik land starts from the kelurahan and then proceeds to BPN. The way to manage uncertified land is as follows, quoted from

Owners of girik land or land that has not been certified must take care of several documents in the kelurahan. The document is a condition as well as proof of land ownership so it needs to be taken care of. Some of these documents are as follows.

Land owners must submit a land certificate application to the BPN office according to the location of the land. The application itself is done by submitting a registration form. Later, two maps will be given blue and yellow, respectively. After that, the process continues to land measurements.

Land measurements will be carried out after the applicant gets a document receipt from BPN. After that, officers from BPN will measure the boundary of the land by visiting the location of the land. The measurement results will then be leaked and mapped on the BPN in the form of a Ukur Letter. The letter was approved by an authorized official.

Land measurements from land measurements will be submitted to the applicant. After that, the applicant must submit a measuring letter and other documents to BPN. The applicant must wait for the process of issuing a decree for 60 days. This time is needed as a guarantee that no party objected to the issuance of the land certificate submitted.

If the time has been fulfilled, BPN will issue a decree on land rights. Later, the girik land certificate will be issued in the form of a Certificate of Ownership.

Applicants are required to make payment for the issuance of land certificates whose nomials are different according to the location and area of the land. Land certificates will be issued after payment is made. Usually, this process ranges from approximately 6 months with a note that there are no document requirements or other things that hinder the issuance process. After the certificate is issued, the applicant can take the certificate at the pick-up counter.

That's information related to how to manage land that has not been certified. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.