DIY Local Government Prepares Online Ojek Tariff Pergub After Demo Driver

YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Government (Pemda DIY) has prepared a legal umbrella in the form of a governor regulation (Pergub) for regulating the minimum tariff for online motorcycle taxis.

"We agreed to jointly find a balance point for the benefit of ojol partner applicators (online motorcycle taxis) and consumers," said Asekda of the Economy and Development of the DIY Regional Secretariat Tri Saktiyana as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 30.

Tri Saktiyana said the Decree of the Minister of Transportation KP 1001 of 2022 provides an opportunity for the Governor to make a decision on the minimum tariff for online motorcycle taxis.

Therefore, representatives of the online motorcycle taxi community are asked to participate in formulating the governor's regulations to be made.

Saktiyana said the formulation of the legal umbrella would be carried out as soon as possible by involving a number of related parties.

The DIY local government, he said, immediately set up a team to form the Pergub in early September 2023 and look for references to other provinces that have determined and will be adjusted to conditions in DIY so that it is hoped that a joint agreement will be made regarding the tariff limit.

Dirlantas Polda DIY Kombes Alfian Nurrizal stated that he strongly supports the determination of online motorcycle taxi tariffs through the Yogyakarta Governor Regulation.

"In principle, the Yogyakarta Regional Police will be very supportive of the Governor Regulation for ojol, which has only been fully supported by the Yogyakarta Regional Government, which is extraordinary and special," he said.

Previously, the Chairman of the United Yogyakarta Online Ojek Forum, Gojek Driver Jogjakarta (FOYB) Rie, asked for clear regulations regarding the delivery of goods and food at the DIY Diskominfo.

When in touch with representatives from the Yogyakarta Regional Government and the Yogyakarta Regional Police at the Kepatihan Complex, Yogyakarta, Tuesday (29/8), his party asked for a supervisory function from the Yogyakarta Regional Government.

"We are very satisfied and get fresh air from the Yogyakarta Regional Government which will form a team that can produce regulations to protect us. Legal umbrellas for ojol friends that we are currently fighting for do not exist and are created, especially goods and food delivery services. We have been deeply tortured so far and have now received happy news," said Korlap FOYB Sapto Paijo.

Acting Head of the DIY Transportation Agency, Sumariyoto, assessed that behind the demands of online motorcycle taxi drivers in DIY, there is actually a minimum tariff in the form of minimal distances such as conventional taxis.

Broadly speaking, according to him, it all depends on the regulations issued by the Central Government. If the Ministry of Transportation has a discourse on reviewing Law 22, it will take quite a long time.

"Because we have made a promise and that has previously been done by collecting applicators to find the best solution and not harming one of them, both from application providers, partners, and passengers. We are looking for the best solution and facilitating to the center has also been done," said Sumariyoto.