Zulhas Said About Prabowo And Ganjar's Intimacy In Pekalongan

JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Mandate Party Zulkifli Hasan has no problem with the closeness of PDI-P presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo with Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto when the two figures met in Pekalongan.

"Yes, (the meeting between Ganjar and Prabowo) must be like that," said Zulhas, his nickname, at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 29.

According to him, the meeting between the two presidential candidates should have occurred because Ganjar, Prabowo and Anies are the nation's best cadres.

For this reason, as the nation's best cadres, there is no possibility that there will be a dispute between the three candidates because the common goal to be achieved is to advance Indonesia.

"We are competing in terms of family to advance Indonesia. Yes, hostile times," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo invited Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto to have lunch together on the sidelines of activities in Pekalongan, Tuesday.

This was conveyed by the Special Staff Coordinator of President Ari Dwipayana in a written statement to reporters.

Ari Dwipayana shared photos of President Jokowi's activities during the afternoon together on his Instagram account @dwipayanaari.

According to Ari, the lunch was carried out after President Jokowi attended the International Sufi Congress in Pekalongan.

At the Sufi Congress, Ganjar was present as the Governor of Central Java, while Prabowo Subianto was the Chair of the Congress Committee.

"This is the atmosphere of lunch after the congress (Sufi) at the Bali Teras restaurant in Pekalongan City," said Ari when confirmed by reporters from Jakarta, Tuesday (29/8).

In the uploaded photo, not only Ganjar and Prabowo participated in lunch with President Jokowi, but also saw Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, wife of Ganjar Pranowo, Siti Atikoh, and Mayor of Pekalongan Afzan Arslan Djunaid.