Not Blocked By Giring, This Is The Reason Gibran Refuses To Wear PSI Jacket

YOGYAKARTA Recently, a video went viral showing Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka refusing to be worn by the jacket of a cadre of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). This moment occurred at the end of the Kopdarnas event, at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 22, 2023 night. So, what is the reason why Gibran refuses to wear a PSI jacket?

For information, the moment Gibran refused to wear PSI jackets was quite a bit of attention. Where after speaking at the talk show that night, Gibran was seen walking to the end of the stage to greet PSI cadres.

Suddenly from the back of the stage, there was one PSI cadre who brought a red jacket bearing PSI logo, who wanted to put the jacket on Gibran. However, Gibran did not heed it. Next, President Joko Widodo's eldest son continued to greet PSI cadres who were under the stage.

When Gibran was about to be worn with a PSI jacket, PSI General Chair Giring Ganesha ran to the front of the stage to attract his party member who put up the jacket. After that, PSI members who brought the jacket went straight back with Giring.

Related to this, Gibran Rakabuming Raka revealed the reason for refusing to wear a PSI jacket. Gibran refused not because Giring was blocked, but because he was still a PDIP cadre.

"Not blocked (Giring), I also refused (to be worn a jacket). Yes, I am a PDIP cadre," said Gibran at Solo City Hall, Wednesday, August 23, 2023, quoted by VOI.

Regarding the incident of wearing a jacket by PSI cadres against Gibran, PSI General Chair Giring Ganesha apologized.

Through his Twitter account, Giring said that the work was a direct reflex of PSI cadres, considering the figure who was admired was in sight.

"I'm sorry, Wali @gibran_tweets for the inconvenience caused by this incident. All because of the extraordinary spontaneity and love of PSI cadres for Mas Wali," tweeted the account @Giring_Ganesha, Wednesday, August 23.

Giring admitted that he would provide notes to PSI cadres so that similar incidents do not happen again.

"We will increase discipline to our cadre cadres so that this incident does not happen again in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Said Abdullah regretted the attitude of PSI cadres who would wear jackets to Gibran Rakabuming Raka at the Kopdarnas event.

"This is certainly not good. Once again, I respect Mas Gibran for refusing to wear the uniforms of other parties, as well as respecting the General Chairperson of PSI who actually uses political ethics that Mas Gibran is a PDI-P cadre," Said said, quoted from Antara.

Nevertheless, Said assured Gibran's presence at the PSI Kopdarnas as the regional head who was considered successful.

He said that Gibran had stated that many young cadres in PSI were persistent in politics. Gibran also mentioned, he said, that there were more great young cadres in PDIP.

"As a cadre of the PDI-P, Mas Gibran knows very well about political fats," he said.

According to Said, Gibran mostly positioned himself as the party who was giving sharing sessions and appreciation because PSI at that time was part of his contestation supporters while running the regional elections in Surakarta.

"For us, it's fine. This means that Mas Gibran's capacity and integrity as a cadre of the PDI-P is recognized by other parties," he said.

That's information about the reason why Gibran refused to wear a PSI jacket. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.