So A Decisive Factor In Elections, What Is Swing Voters?

YOGYAKARTA Recently, the term swing voters has been widely mentioned by observers, political survey institutions to the general public. It is known, Indonesia will hold simultaneous elections in February 2024, and swing voters are considered to have a major influence on the election of the president and vice president. So, what is swing voters?

Summarized from various sources, swing voters are a term for rational voters who can change choice according to certain ideas or ideas.

Swing voters can also be interpreted as someone who in the previous election voted for a political party A, but when the upcoming elections changed to support party B.

Swing Voters can also be analogized with floating masses, namely voters who are still likely to move from choice. The swing of voters was found, among others, in DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java and East Java.

Based on data from the Swing Voters Association (PSV), the number of swing voters has increased from year to year. Starting from 7.3 percent in the 1999 elections, 15.9 percent in the 2004 elections, 28.3 percent in the 2009 elections, and 29.1 percent in the 2014 elections.

According to the survey institute Charta Politica, in the 2019 Election, 36.4 percent of adult voters will make choices based on the presidential and vice presidential debates. These debates are usually held a few days before voting takes place and their choices will be determined.

Even so, the swing sound of the voters is very influential to gain votes. Therefore, the campaign team and candidate pairs cannot discredit the swing voters.

Despite supporting political parties or different candidates in each election, it does not mean that swing voters are loyal voters. In general elections, swing voters will judge candidates based on rationality and will not be affected by any relationship.

This means that even if the nominating is his family, it will not necessarily be elected in the election. This is because they will judge the ability of all candidates.

It is this vocal swing voters that will spur the candidates to compete in showing their best abilities. Because if you don't find someone worthy or capable of becoming a legislative candidate to a good president for the country, it could be that the swing voters will choose a goalkeeper.

In a political discussion in 2018, political observer Hendri Satrio said that there were two causes of the swing of the voters.

First, because rational voters do not have a choice. Second, already have a choice, but consider several things.

According to Hendi, the average swing of voters will only make a choice of a week before voting or even on the D day of voting.

According to the General Chairperson of the Voters Swing Association (PSV), Adhie Massardi said the swing of voters in the political survey is a rational public or voter, amounting to 30 to 40 percent in each election.

They are usually uncomfortable with the behavior of election participant politicians and ideas that are considered unreasonable.

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