Just One Year Free From Nusakambangan, The Shabu Courier Returns To Action With A Nominal Of IDR 5 Billion

The police arrested a methamphetamine courier with the initials RD on Jalan Kampung Beting Pemuda, North Tugu, Koja, North Jakarta, Tuesday, August 15. From the results of the arrest, officers confiscated evidence of methamphetamine worth Rp. 5 billion.

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Gidion Arif Setyawan said RD was arrested along with evidence of methamphetamine packaged in a package of Chinese tea weighing 5.2 kg.

" Packed in Chinese tea packages with small pieces and digital scales. The market price is one kilogram of one billion rupiah. So in total, five kilograms of crystal methamphetamine is worth five billion rupiah," Gidion told reporters, Monday, August 21.

Gidion also said that the perpetrators received two shipments of methamphetamine from different locations.

Two deliveries, collected more than five kilograms at the suspect's house in Beting Village, Koja, "he said.

On that occasion, Gidion revealed that the suspect was a recidivist who had languished in Nusakambangan for 7 years with the same case.

"Recidivists and only one year free. Starting again, their activities (dourism) around the month of Aplril 2023 until when they were caught," he said.

RD was charged with Article 114 paragraph 2 Subsidiary 112 paragraph 2 of Law No. 35 of 2009 with the threat of the death penalty.