Densus 88: Penyempok Senpi Dananjaya Erbening Tak Terafiliasi Terorisme

JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror stated that R alias B had no connection with acts of terrorism. Although, he is a supplier of firearms (senpi) FNC and a Combat C2 gun against terrorist Dananjaya Erbening alias DE.
"Densus 88 explored the role of R whether it was related to terrorist networks and acts of terror, but no connection has been found," said Densus 88 Anti-terror Police Spokesperson Kombes Aswin Siregar to reporters, Saturday, August 19.
Unrelated to R alias B with a criminal act of terrorism, the legal handling is handed over to the Polda Metro Jaya. Meanwhile, Aswin continued, R alias B is known to be a supplier of senpi based on a direct statement from Dananjaya Erbening alias DE.
The terrorist suspect who is also a former employee of PT KAI admitted to buying the two guns from him. However, there is no detail about the price and timing of the transaction. "Which of the weapons were purchased from R alias B in North Tambun, Bekasi," said Aswin.
Previously, it was reported that Polda Metro Jaya said it had arrested its supplier. "Yes (long-barreled rifle was arrested)," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi.
However, Hengki was reluctant to specify the identity of the long-barreled gun supplier to the DE suspect. It was only conveyed that his figure was not a member of the police but a civilian.
The statement also denied the information circulating about three members of the National Police being involved in the DE suspect network as suppliers of guns and bullets. "We have arrested FMC and G2 COMBAT gun suppliers, they (civil residents)," he said.
Dananjaya Erbening is known to have 16 rifles hidden at his residence. Five of them were long-barreled. Of the dozens of rifles seized, most of them were assembled. The suspect modified the airgun into a rifle.