BNPT Asks Densus 88 To Reveal Bekasi Terrorist Suspect Network Owners Of Dozens Of Senpi

JAKARTA - Director of Deradicalization of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Brigadier General Ahmad Nurwakhid said law enforcement officers must reveal the network and other actors behind the terrorist with the initials DE who was arrested by Densus 88 in Bekasi.

"The terrorist suspect in Bekasi is affiliated with the Indonesian Islamic State network, has a fairly complete role of the ideology that spreads terrorist content on social media, conducts training, has various weapons and equipment to fund terrorist activities," said Nurwakhid in a written statement reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 16.

Based on DE's activities, he said, further development and tracing are important to uncover other involved actors.

In addition, this DE figure is strong evidence that the roots of terrorism are ideologies and thoughts that can influence a person, while economic, political, and other factors are supporting factors.

"There are many cases other than DE which are registered as employees of PT KAI that terrorists come from people who have medium income who are exposed to radical terrorism, meaning that it is not just an economic motive, but the most important thing is ideological belief in terrorism doctrine and teachings," he said.

According to him, it is very important to understand that terrorism is not a goal, but a tool of ideologically motivated political movements that want to replace the existing socio-political order.

Nurwakhid said that terrorism is like a virus that can affect anyone and from any circle.

Another thing that needs to be considered in the DE case, he continued, is the infiltration of terrorist groups that are easy to enter into the work environment, both government and private. As stated in the initial statement submitted by the National Police, DE entered PT KAI after being exposed to radical terrorism.

BNPT emphasized that the promotion and assessment of personnel was very important from the start in the work environment.

BNPT will continue to develop early detection tools and assessments that can be applied in the work environment so that the community and government are not easily affiliated with terrorism actors and networks.

"Not only about the skills and competence of work, we must also be aware of the mentality and ideology of a person in accepting employees, especially in the government environment, especially those who occupy strategic positions," he concluded.