Online Taxi Driver Murder Case At Sunday Market: Witness Suspects Victim's Car Is The Target Of The Perpetrator
The case of the discovery of the body with the initials MS (53) on Jalan Rambutan, the area of the Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture's office, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta is still being investigated by the police. Witnesses found the body, suspected that the victim was killed and seized his car by the perpetrator.
"The victim was an online taxi driver, so the target seems to be a car robbery. And indeed the car is still new," said the witness, when met at his home, Tuesday, August 15.
On that occasion, the witness explained that the alleged murder began when he heard screams coming from outside his house. On that basis, peeking from the window window and finding a car parked in front of his house.
"There was a sound of screaming, 'woah, woah, gubrak, gubrak, gubrak, like a fighter in a car, when he was in the car he was executed. As soon as he didn't speak, he was apparently sent down," he said
The witness suspected that at that time the perpetrator was executing the victim. According to him, the victim was stabbed in the chest and hit the heart.
"He (the victim) seemed to have been killed from behind. I asked the police, 'Sir, where is the wound?'. 'In the heart'. So it's not cut, (but) stabbed," he said.
He revealed that at that time he saw the victim being dragged away until his shoes were released when he was unloaded from the car and dumped on the side of the road.
"The victim was dropped there, dragged. He's the right steering wheel, that's why there are black and black marks, but I've splashed them," he said.
Long story short, the witness turned on the lights in his yard. This made the perpetrator panic and immediately stepped on the gas to turn around. However, the perpetrator again stopped at the scene of the incident (TKP). The perpetrator got out of the car and approached the victim's body.
At that time the witness thought the perpetrator was just throwing garbage. The witness finally ventured out of the house after the perpetrator left the scene.
"After that, when I was close, I spoke out (the victim), 'eee'. Wow, I was surprised. Maybe I took my last breath," said H.
After that, the witness summoned the security of the Directorate General of Food Crops at the Ministry of Agriculture to the head of the local RT and RW.
"I called security, RT, RW, come here. It wasn't long before the police also came," he concluded