SE Strengthening Islamic Sharia, Acting Regent Of Aceh Besar Supports Coffee Shop Operational Hours Until 00.00

ACEH - Acting (Pj) Aceh Besar Regent Muhammad Iswanto stated that his party is ready to follow up on the circular letter (SE) of the Acting Governor of Aceh regarding strengthening the implementation of Islamic Sharia."We are committed to supporting the instructions contained in the SE Governor of Aceh and carrying it out in the field, especially things that are directly related to strengthening Islamic law," said Muhammad Iswanto in Jantho, Antara, Friday, August 11.The first step that will be taken is to deploy the WH Satpol PP Team, the Islamic Sharia Service and the Industry and Trade Office to make persuasive efforts to business actors, especially coffee shops.His party will immediately take consolidative and coordinative steps to strengthen the implementation of the Governor's SE and further implementation steps in the field.According to him, the circular issued by the Governor of Aceh was the result of deliberations from various policy makers, including scholars who aimed for mutual benefit."Strengthening Islamic law is not a setback, but rather a first step to more easily achieve various potential progress," said Iswanto.Iswanto also fully supports the various other appeals listed in the SE, such as reviving recitations after the Maghrib in Meunasah Gampong (Masjid) and including the closure of coffee shops or cafes at 00.00 WIB.The appeal is very good for minimizing activities that violate sharia, including reducing the habits of some young people - students and students - spending time until dawn just playing games,” he said.Iswanto also asked all parties to respond wisely to the circular letter from the Acting Governor of Aceh regarding strengthening the implementation of Islamic Sharia, because the circular letter was the result of an agreement through deliberation with cross policy makers, especially scholars for the benefit of the people.Iswanto said that one of the points of the Governor's circular letter which became a public debate was about closing coffee shops or cafes at 00.00 WIB.According to him, this appeal is very good to minimize activities that violate sharia, including reducing the habits of some young people - students and students - spending time until dawn just playing games.Previously, Aceh Government Spokesperson Muhammad MTA said the circular contained an appeal to be carried out by a number of work equipment and policy makers in Aceh starting from regents/mayors, Satpol PP WH, Head of the Aceh Information and Persandian Communication Office, business actors, ASN and the community.