The House Caught Fire In Tambora Turns Out To Be 9 Doors That Are Allegedly Illegal, Police Lines Pasang Officers

The Tambora Police conducted an investigation regarding the fire of 2 houses on Jalan Pekojan Raya, RT 02/01, Pekojan Village, Tambora District, West Jakarta on Thursday, August 10, evening. The police are also still investigating the IMB of the boarding house.
Tambora Police Chief, Kompol Putra Pratama said the fire scorched the house that was used as a boarding house with semi-permanent building materials.
"The burning two houses next to each other. The building consists of two floors, on the 2nd floor it is used for boarding rooms as many as 9 rooms and made of plywood so that it is flammable. As for the lower floor it is used by the owner," said Kompol Putra when confirmed by VOI, Friday, August 11.
Currently, the police are still examining a number of witnesses related to the fire. Kompol Putra also said that his party had jumped into the fire scene at the time of the incident on Thursday night, August 10.
"There were four witnesses examined at the Tambora Police. The police have also installed a police line or police line at the fire scene," he said.
Previously, residents' housing on Jalan Pekojan Raya, RT 02/01, Pekojan Village, Tambora District, West Jakarta on Thursday, August 10, night. The fire continued to burn because there was a lot of flammable material.
"The object on fire is a 2-story residence, a low-type building," said Head of West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Syafrudin when confirmed, Thursday, August 10, evening.
The fire extinguishing process was carried out by 13 fire engines deployed by the West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept.