Fake Police In Manokwari Tricked Women To Become Lovers Arrested After Embezzling Rp103 Million

WEST PAPUA - Police arrested a fake policeman with the initials MF or F (20) who embezzled Rp103 million belonging to his victim DL (28), an honorarium for the Manokwari District Health Service (Dinkes).

During the arrest, the police confiscated a retail of the daily official clothing (PDH) and the police's field service (PDL) clothes used by the perpetrators to trick the victim.

"Not only clothes, but we confiscated several vests, flashball bullets, and one long-barreled M4 type air softgun," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Manokwari Police, Adjunct Commissioner of Police (AKP) Nirwan Fakaubun in Manokwari, West Papua, Thursday, August 10, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the perpetrator had known the victim and claimed to be a member of the Criminal Investigation Unit from the Bintuni Bay Porles since March 2023.

After establishing a romantic relationship, the perpetrator then borrowed Rp. 18 million from the victim on the grounds to open a timber buying and selling business.

"The perpetrator claimed to be a member of the police with the aim of cheating and getting a lot of money," explained Nirwan.

He said the victim did not yet realize that the perpetrator was a fake police officer, so the victim entrusted the perpetrator to hold an automated teller machine (ATM) card.

The perpetrator then took action to steal Rp85 million from the victim's ATM, which resulted in the victim feeling something was wrong with the perpetrator's actions.

"The victim then made a report on August 8, 2023. Provost and members of the SPKT of the Manokwari Police immediately checked the whereabouts of the perpetrators," he said.

From the results of the examination, he said, the perpetrator admitted that the air softgun was obtained from one of the perpetrator's friends, while the two types of Polri uniforms were sewn by themselves.

However, the Manokwari Police are still checking the truth of the information provided by the perpetrators regarding the location of the police uniform tailoring.

The perpetrator's actions were charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) on Fraud with a threat of imprisonment of at least four years.

"The perpetrator does not have a permanent job and has been in Manokwari for a long time," he said.