Latest SIM C Test Rules 2023, Circuit Number 8 And Zig-zag Have Been Removed

YOGYAKARTA - Changes in the form of the practice test circuit for making driving licenses are good news for people who want to make SIM C. Korlantas Polri officially changes the circuit starting Monday (7/8). SIM C examination is now easier because they are no longer asked to ride motorbikes on track in the form of numbers 8 and zigzag.

The new circuit for the practice of SIM C examination is now in the form of the letter S. Inspector General of Police Firman Shantyabudi, Head of Korlantas Polri, hopes that the new provisions will soon be applied to all Polres in each region in Indonesia. The application of this new regulation aims to increase graduation in the SIM-making test.

So what are the latest requirements and examination materials for the practice of making SIM C that the public needs to know?

Korlantas Polri has imposed a number of requirements that must be met for people who want to make SIM C. Here are some requirements for making SIM C, SIM C I, and SIM C II:

SIM C is intended for motorcyclists with an engine cylinder capacity of up to 250 cc.

SIM C I is intended for motorcyclists with an engine cylinder capacity of above 250 cc to 500 cc, or similar motors that use electric power.

SIM C II is intended for motorcyclists with an engine cylinder capacity of more than 500 cc, or similar motorbikes that use electric power.

The practice test for making SIM C consists of several trajectories or circuits that must be passed. The following are the circuit rules in the SIM C making exam.

SIM C is made with a number of procedures, ranging from submitting files or documents to practical and theoretical exams. Here's how to make SIM C that you need to know.

In addition to completing the required documents, the applicant also needs to prepare the cost of making SIM C. The following is a breakdown of the cost of making and extending SIM C.

Such is the review of the latest SIM C exam rules in 2023. The application of the new circuit form for the SIM C practice exam aims to increase graduation in making SIMs.

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