Bobby Nasution Reveals Medan's Economic Growth From Minus 1.9 To Positive 4.71 Percent

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said the Medan City 2021-2026 medium-term development plan (RPJMD) had moved positively according to the city's grand design.

"What is planned in the RPJMD is slowly moving positively," Bobby said in a plenary meeting explaining the regional head over the Medan City Ranperda on Amendments to Regional Regulation No. 7/2021 concerning the Medan City RPJMD 2021-2026 at the Medan DPRD building., Monday, August 7th.

Among them, he continued, economic growth in Medan City which is minus 1.9 percent in 2020, but in 2022 it has reached 4.71 percent.

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 resulted in an increase in the poverty rate in 2021 to 8.34 percent, but in 2022 the Medan City Government suppressed it at 8.07 percent.

"Meanwhile, the human development index is from 80.98 points in 2020, but in 2022 it has reached 81.76 points or the highest in North Sumatra," he explained.

Bobby said the open unemployment rate in 2020 reached 10.74 percent, but in 2022 it decreased by 1.85 percent to 8.89 percent.

"Even though the target has not been achieved, the growth of macro development indicators is getting better. This is an evaluation material for the Medan City Government to reformulate more precise and targeted planning," he explained.

The Mayor of Medan said that the delivery of the Medan City Ranperda on the Amendment to Regional Regulation No. 7/2021 concerning the Medan City RPJMD 2021-2026 was a stage that would be continued with a joint discussion.

Therefore, with the spirit of partnership and togetherness as part of the builder collaboration, the discussion of the regional budget on changes to this regional regulation can be constructive.

"The amendment to Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2021 concerning the Medan City RPJMD 2021-2026 is likely to be constructive and comprehensive, resulting in recommendations for suggestions and solutions," said Bobby.