Jokowi Condemns The Burning Of The Al-Quran In Europe

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in his meeting with the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OKI) Hissein Brahim Taha, strongly condemns the burning of the Koran that occurred in several European countries.

"Mr. President strongly condemns together with the Secretary General of the OIC on the burning of the holy Quran and he both agreed that Islamphobia must be eradicated," said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi after accompanying President Jokowi after a meeting with the Secretary General of the OKI at the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 7.

The burning of the Koran has recently occurred in Denmark and Sweden. The governments of Denmark and Sweden have condemned the burning of the Koran and are considering new laws that could stop it.

Apart from discussing the burning of the holy book, President Jokowi and the Secretary General of the OIC also discussed a number of matters in the meeting, such as issues of access to education for women and children in Afghanistan. The Secretary General of the OIC appreciates Indonesia for helping Afghan women and children get access to education.

Indonesia also said that it would send humanitarian aid to Afghanistan in the form of a polio vaccine in August 2023 to eradicate the polio outbreak in the country.

"The Secretary General of OIC also appreciated the active role of Indonesian scholars. We actively participated in the visit of OIC scholars to Afghanistan last year and this year it is planned that there will be a second visit from OIC scholars, which Indonesia will also participate in," said Retno.

The Secretary General of the OIC, continued Retno, also expressed his appreciation for Indonesia's efforts for the Rohingya group in refugee camps as well as those that enter Indonesian territory.

"The Secretary General of OKI hopes that Indonesia will continue to voice Rohingya's interests in the ASEAN forum," he said.

In addition, the OIC asked Indonesia to increase scholarships for African countries. Meanwhile, President Jokowi also expressed hope that the OIC could continue to be the leading institution or institution in fighting for the interests of the Islamic world. "And of course this position is a very strategic position for the OIC and it is hoped that the OIC can be a positive force in the midst of a world situation with a lot of uncertainty," said Retno.