The Importance Of Character Education For Millennials And Gen Z For Ganjar

CIREBON - Ganjar Pranowo emphasized the importance of character education for millennials and Gen Z to welcome Indonesia Gold in 2045.
This was conveyed by the prospective presidential candidate (readpres) 2024 from PDIP when he was a speaker at the National Seminar Towards Golden Indonesia 2045 with the theme Transformation and Strengthening Character Education at Islamic Boarding Schools in Realizing Indonesia Gold 2045 at GOR Mbah Muqoyim Buntet Pesantren, Cirebon, West Java, Tuesday 1 August.
In front of thousands of female students, Ganjar said character education is a big foundation for millennials and gen z towards the realization of their dreams in the future.
Character education includes manners, respecting older people, and the ability to understand the feelings of others. If everyone already has it, he believes that Indonesia's progress will not be difficult to reach.
"In education, it is not enough to produce labor, but to produce superior humans, namely respecting people, having character," said Ganjar.
In addition, explained Ganjar, character education is able to produce young people who are honest, with integrity, and have noble personalities. So that under any conditions millennials and gen z will uphold this principle for the rest of their lives.
Ganjar then reflected on a number of cases that occurred in Indonesia. Such as bullying, physical violence, illegal levies (extortion) of corruption, to immoral acts such as rape and murder.
According to Ganjar, these challenges can be faced with quality caractekter education so that the nation's children can continue their predecessors' struggle through the spirit of welcoming Indonesia Gold 2045.
"Education with integrity is important from the start. Otherwise, it becomes crowded. Officials are considered, for example, subject to OTT because of its integrity. And character education is one of them with integrity. He works professionally," said Ganjar.
Therefore, it is important for the government to prepare access to character education through activities that millennials like and gen z. Ganjar gave an example, now many young people like online games and content creating.
Ganjar said character education could be included in these activities. So that it is not only tactical knowledge that is obtained, but also ethics, integrity and not cheating, as well as respect for others.
"Schools must be accessible to anyone and their knowledge must be in accordance with development and this is what everything must be prepared," said Ganjar.
On that occasion, Ganjar said he was happy because now many educational institutions have put forward their character as the basis of all knowledge. One of them is pesantren, which often gives this through the advice of the ulama and romo kiai.
"The students have respect for themselves and others then enter the community, they are better because their knowledge and morals are good," he added.
Ganjar hopes that character education will be stronger accepted by millennials and gen z wherever the institution is studied. That way, Ganjar is optimistic that this nation can answer all its challenges until the achievement of Golden Indonesia in the future.
"We can fight terrorism. We can fight drugs. We can fight against ideologies that are not in accordance with our values, we can fight. I believe that those present will also become leaders in 2045," concluded Ganjar.