Police Reveal Karenina Anderson Uses Cannabis To Overcome Insomnia And Depression

JAKARTA - The police arrested artist Karenina Maria Anderson on suspicion of drug abuse of 4.1 grams of marijuana. He was arrested at his home on Jalan Daksa, South Jakarta, on Tuesday, August 1.

Head of South Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Kompol Achmad Ardhy said Karenina used marijuana because of depression and overcoming insomnia (difficulty of sleep).

"There are insomnia diseases, depression too, and also experiencing disorders in depression. There is a little depression. And maybe a little family problems," Ardhy told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, August 2.

"K admitted that he was depressed, then he had insomnia for the reason (consumption of marijuana-ed)," Ardhy told reporters, Wednesday, August 2.

Ardhy explained that the beginning of the arrest began with a community report. On that basis, his party conducted an investigation until Karenina was finally arrested at her home on Tuesday, August 1, at 22.15 WIB.

"When we conducted a search, we found evidence in the form of a cigarette pack in which there was a white paper package containing marijuana with a gross of 4.1 grams," he said.

"Then found another roll of marijuana weighing gross 0.3 grams. The items were stored in the drawer of the suspect's room table which was then taken by the suspect himself," he continued.

According to Karenina's confession through the police, she uses marijuana near Ciputat Market, South Tangerang.

"Then the goods are tried around Ciputat Market, South Tangerang," he said

Karenina was detained at the South Jakarta Metro Police Rutan and charged with Article 127 paragraph 1 of Law (UU) Number 35 of 2009.