SOE Minister Reshuffles Krakatau Steel's Board Of Directors, Here Are The Ranks
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir reshuffled the board of directors of PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KRAS). He appointed M. Akbar Djohan as Commercial Director.
Akbar Djohan's appointment was ratified through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of PT Krekatau Steel Tbk.
"The shareholders approved the change in the composition of the company's management by appointing M. Akbar Djohan as Commercial Director," wrote the official statement of Krakatau Steel, written Tuesday, August 1.
Akbar himself previously served as President Director of PT Krakatau Bandar Samudera or Krakatau International Port (KIP). He obtained a Master Degree degree at Pancasila University in 2008.
In 2019, Akbar was also appointed by shareholders as President Director of PT Krakatau Niaga Indonesia.
Then, it is mandated by shareholders to become President Director of Krakatau Bandar Samudera in accordance with Shareholder Decree No. 01/PS-KBS/Kpts/2021 dated January 4, 2021.
The following is the composition of the Board of Directors and the latest Board of Commissioners of Krakatau Steel:
Board of Directors
President Director: Purwono Widodo
Director of Finance and Risk Management: Tardi
Commercial Director: Muhamad Akbar Djohan
HR Director: Sriyani Puspa Kinasih
Director of Business Development and Portfolio: Agus Nizar Vidiansyah
Director of Infrastructure and Business Support: Djoko Muljono.
Board of Commissioners
President Commissioner: Suhanto
Commissioner: Yudha Mediawan
Commissioner: I Gusti Putu Suryawirawan
Independent Commissioner: Isfan Fajar Satryo
Independent Commissioner: David Pajung
Independent Commissioner: Tjuk Agus Minahasa.