Kadisperindag Duga Kelangkaan LPG 3 Kg Di Bali Karena Galungan

DENPASAR - Head of the Bali Province Industry and Trade Office (Disperindag) I Wayan Jarta said the scarcity of 3 kilograms of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) on the Island of the Gods was recently predicted because Galungan Day was getting closer.

"Asumsi saya kemungkinan masyarakat berlebihan untuk Galungan," kata Jarta di Denpasar dilansir ANTARA, Jumat, 28 Juli.

Galungan Day itself falls on Wednesday (2/8), where if it is withdrawn every year, generally the Balinese people, especially Hindus, need for consumption will increase ahead of the holiday.

Jarta assessed that the scarcity of 3 kg LPG gas for a week was not due to buildup in distributors and agents.

The head of the Bali Disperindag reminded previously that the scarcity of 3 kg LPG in Bali had occurred. The closer the holiday, the higher the demand for melon gas.

"Yesterday, gas was scarce, I checked the possibility of public consumption to celebrate Galungan, so many hoarded it," he said.

According to Jarta, currently people do not only have one gas cylinder because they also anticipate needs during holidays, so what is a solution for local governments is purchases by inclusion of Identity Cards (KTP).

"The request with an ID card is to anticipate hoarding, the fear is that the stock will run out, so as long as it is scarce even though it has passed Galungan, we are still tight. But until now Pertamina's needs are according to our quota and prices remain the same," said Jarta.

Previously, PT Pertamina increased the stock of 3 kg LPG in Bali by 368,480 in anticipation of Galungan Day.

The supply of melon gas was sent in stages from July 26-31, 2023, where the addition was said to have increased by 139 percent from the average daily distribution.