6 List Of SOEs Not Obedient To Report LHKPN, Erick Thohir Immediately Take Strict Action

YOGYAKARTA - The Ministry of SOEs is in the spotlight after the KPK reported that six state-owned companies did not comply with the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN). So what are the SOE lists that do not comply with LHKPN reporting?

Pahala Nainggolan, Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK, revealed that there were 6 SOEs whose compliance level was only 60 percent in the LHKPN report. Pahala said there were 155 officials who had not reported LHKPN. This deviant behavior also tarnished the bad name of the Ministry of SOEs led by Erick Thohir.

"Although the compliance of SOEs is 99.5 percent, there are still 155 people who have not reported to LHKPN," said Pahala Nainggolan at the Red and White Building, Monday, July 27.

Receiving the report, Erick Thohir said he would take firm action against companies that are not in administrative order. So which SOEs lists do not comply with LHKPN reporting?

Erick Thohir admitted that he had spoken to the segment and deputy to take action against 6 companies that violated compliance. The following is a list of companies that do not comply with reporting LHKPN:

Pahala Nainggolan said that of the 109 state-owned companies, 35,055 officials were required to report LHKPN. However, until now the number of officials reporting LHKPN has only been 34,900 people.

Based on the elhkpn.kpk.go.id page, there are two main parties who are required to report their assets. The first party is state administrators as stated in Law (UU) Number 28 of 1999. The second is state officials who carry out executive, legislative, and judicial functions.

Meanwhile, Law Number 30 of 2002 concerning the KPK has also regulated that almost all agencies have expanded the list of parties required to report LHKPN. Here's the list:

In addition to the two parties, other officials who carry out their main functions and duties related to state administration also need to report their assets. The following is a list of state administrators who are required to report LHKPN according to the law.

That is the review of the list of companies that do not comply with the LHKPN report. Erick Thohir emphasized that he would check the names of these officials and asked all staff to be transparent and obedient in reporting LHKPN.

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