Meeting Jokowi, LaNyala Conveys The Need To Return To The State System For The Formula Of The Founder Of The Nation
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti conveyed to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) the importance of this nation returning to the state system formulated by the founding fathers of the nation, as stated in the 1945 Constitution, August 18, 1945. Where the system has never been implemented appropriately, both in the Old Order and New Order eras.
The meeting took place Monday, July 10 morning at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta. "I have conveyed it directly to the President, to strengthen Indonesia's position in dealing with the global situation, while ensuring that people's sovereignty is channeled in its entirety, we must build collective awareness, with noble intentions to return to the original system formulated by the nation's founders, of course by strengthening the original Constitution with the Addendum technique," said LaNyalla.
One of the strengthening to ensure the sovereignty of the measurable people is to return the MPR as the highest institution for the incarnation of all elements of the people, which is inhabited by members of the DPR, Regional Envoys and Group Envoys. To draw up State Policy and choose the mandater of the MPR. Coupled with Addendum, members of the DPR as the legislator of the Law, are inhabited by election participants from elements of political parties and elements of individuals, or non-party elements. Like the trends that have occurred in several countries in the world today.
"By returning to the original system, the Indonesian economy must also return to the spirit to realize prosperity, because the state will return to sovereignty over the country and wealth in it, and important production branches are controlled by the state. This is in accordance with the original manuscript of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution and its explanation," added LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti.
LaNyalla said that members of the Regional Envoys in the MPR were filled with kings and Sultans as well as representatives of the Indigenous Society, as part of the regional history and residents of the archipelago which was the key factor in the birth of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Meanwhile, the Envoy Group is filled with elements of social organizations and professional organizations which are measured by concrete and historical contributions in strengthening the social and economic resilience of the Indonesian nation.
"To further strengthen people's sovereignty in policy making, we must give the right to the Regional Envoys and Group Envoys to give opinions on the Draft Laws formed by the DPR as a form of overall public involvement," said LaNyalla, adding that in such a way the essence of democracy, where the people can participate in determining the direction of the nation's journey is clearly measured.
On that occasion, LaNyalla also conveyed to the President the issue of the Ijo Letter in the city of Surabaya which had not been completed. His party has brought together relevant stakeholders. But apparently it really needs direction from the President. Therefore, I conveyed directly that Pak Jokowi should pay special attention to this," he said.
Likewise with the plan to build North Bali International Airport in Buleleng Regency which has been hampered to date. Even though the people there really hope, as a solution to overcome economic inequality between South Bali and North Bali. Moreover, the location of the airport is above sea on the coast. So there is no conversion of agricultural and forest land, as once discussed in West Bali. "Moreover, pure costs from the private sector, without the state budget," he said.
Meanwhile, regarding the discussion of changes to the Village Law, the Chairperson of the DPD RI conveyed directly the views and considerations of the Indonesian DPD Committee I that had been submitted to the DPR RI. Where there are 7 points that essentially accelerate the Village to become a fundamental economic force.
To the President, LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti also conveyed greetings from the kings and Sultan Nusantara, who on June 23 held a Gathering with the DPD RI in Jakarta, where one of the results agreed was asking the MPR to return to be the highest institution for people's incarnation, with the Regional Envoys filled by the King and Sultan Nusantara and representatives of the Indigenous Society.