Pertashop Entrepreneur's Story, Embedding Tears Due To Losses

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Central Java Pertashop Entrepreneurs Association-Specific Region of Yogyakarta (Central Java-DIY) Gunadi Broto Sudarmo did not have the power to shed tears when telling the losses suffered by Pertashop entrepreneurs in an audience with Commission VII, Monday 10 July.

"On this occasion, we have the theme that we are trying to keep our spirits up even though it feels very heavy," said Gunadi, quoted on Tuesday, July 11.

Gunadi explained that this loss began when there was a geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine which caused high world oil prices.

The soaring price of oil has caused the government to also increase the price of Pertamax and Dexlite fuel types.

He said, from January to March 2022, he explained that the samples taken from one of Pertashop only managed to sell 34,000 to 38,000 liters in one month.

In fact, Pertamax is still priced at IDR 9,000 per liter.

"However, after the disparity of Pertamax and Pertalite prices, starting April the turnover dropped drastically. At a price of Rp. 12,500, 16,000 liters per month, there continued to be price fluctuations of up to Rp. 14,500 per liter, some were Rp. 13,900. And until now at the price of Rp. 12,500, the turnover pertashop has not been able to return as at the time of the first price of Rp. 9,000 and pertalite of Rp. 6,750," explained Gunadi.

With this price disparity, Gunadi continued, entrepreneur turnover also experienced a drastic decline of up to 90 percent and entrepreneurs did not experience any benefits at all.

Of the 448 Pertashop, 201 of them suffered losses and threatened to close and their assets were confiscated because they were unable to pay monthly installments to the bank concerned.

Furthermore, he explained, at the end of 2022 the number of Pertashop with sales of less than 200 liters per day reached 47 percent and suffered losses.

Gunadi explained, if sales only reach 200 liters per day then per month one Pertashop is only able to sell 6,000 liters.

"With a margin of IDR 850, Pertashop's gross profit is only IDR 5.1 million, while there is a salary requirement for operators of IDR 4 million for two people, BPJS contributions, and so on," he continued.

For your information, Pertashop consists of three types, namely Gold, Platinum, and Diamond.

For Pertashop Gold, entrepreneurs are required to buy packages worth IDR 250 million with a sales margin of IDR 850 per liter.

Then Pertashop Platinum worth IDR 417 million with a margin of IDR 600 per liter, and Pertashop Diamond around IDR 570 million with a margin of IDR 435 per liter.