PPDB Applicants With Problems Most Register To Favorite Schools In Bogor City
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya revealed a new fact from the results of the search by the Bogor City Government Special Team (Pemkot) regarding the issue of using fake population data used by New Student Admissions (PPDB) registrants through the zoning route at junior high schools at the SMPN level in Bogor City.
According to Bima Arya, the majority of the problematic PPDB SMPN registrants in Bogor City registered themselves for their favorite school in Bogor City.
"Most of these are flagship schools. For example, SMPN 1 Bogor with 32 percent problems, SMPN 2 9 percent, SMPN 3 1 percent, SMPN 4 15 percent, SMPN 5 14 percent," Bima Arya told reporters, Sunday 9 July 2023.
"So the more the junior high school is perceived as a favorite, the higher the number of alleged violations," he continued.
Bima Arya explained that the number of applicants entering SMPN 1 Bogor through the zoning route was 490 people. Meanwhile, the zoning quota is only 141 students.
"(And) there are indications of problems with around 157 registrants. That's a very high number. There are 32 percent of them having problems," said Bima Arya.
For this matter, Bima Arya asked the Bogor City Inspectorate to investigate if there was malpractice in the registration of PPDB SMPN in Bogor City.
"Here there is Mrs. Ane from the Inspectorate, which I also assign to investigate if there is malpractice, if there is a violation, which is committed by ASN both in the service and region," he said.
"This will continue to work, even though it has been announced, the Inspectorate will continue to investigate, will continue to carry out special secars examinations. If later there are irresponsible ones, of course they will be subject to sanctions according to applicable regulations," said Bima Arya.
Previously, the issue of using fake population data used by New Student Admissions (PPDB) registrants through the zoning route at schools at the SMPN level in Bogor City entered a new chapter.
Most recently, the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, admitted that he received a report from the Special Team, there were 913 registrants of PPDB SMPN in Bogor City who were indicated to be problematic, or registered for school using fake population data.