Members Of The House Of Representatives May Still Attend Virtual As Long As You Can Also Voice
JAKARTA - The lack of members of the DPR RI who were physically present at the Plenary Meeting received the spotlight. Is it true that attendance in the plenary meeting is the only indicator of the performance of council members.
Political Communication Expert Silvanus Alvin has his own views. He said, the existence of virtual members of the DPR RI was not the only indicator of parliament's performance.
"We have to see the real work and dedication of DPR members in carrying out their duties," he said, Friday, July 7.
A number of people criticized the plenary meeting which is now attended by a few members of the DPR. Many council members have participated in virtual plenary meetings since the COVID-19 pandemic, referring to the DPR's Order, precisely in Article 254 of the DPR RI Regulation Number 1 of 2020.
The Plenary Meeting also currently uses a hybrid system which is the presence of a mixture of DPR members, both physically and virtually. According to Alvin, the policy is quite good because it can make it easier for council members to carry out their duties.
"The virtual presence using technological means allows DPR members to remain involved in the legislative process and make policies without having to physically attend the parliament building," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Communications at Multimedia University, Nusantara (UMN).
Silvanus Alvin said, the virtual meeting method is also inseparable as a new normal form that is an adaptation of life after the COVID-19 pandemic. Alvin said many changes occurred during the pandemic which was later adopted into a new habit.
"The virtual presence of DPR members on the one hand needs to be seen as an adaptation process of post-pandemic new normal practices," he said.
"We cannot ignore the learning we gained during the pandemic. The world has opened up to new doors, and the virtual presence of DPR members is one of the positive results of this change," added Alvin.
Communications Sciences analysts who have just launched their second book entitled Political Digitization: Reflection and Communication Dynamics reminded that the current virtual meeting method is also used by all circles and agencies. Alvin said, change is not always bad.
Entering the digital era, we are not centered on time and place limits. With the current development being more accessible, job productivity is also getting higher," explained Alvin.
"We are finally trained and facilitated by digital technology to work from anywhere and under any conditions. I think this is a positive thing and Indonesia must dare to take a role in the development of technology and information," added Alvin.
He added that the use of technology in formal forums is now also commonplace for people from various circles. Official government and bureaucratic activities also take advantage of the hybrid system a lot.
"Vitual things like that are not only in the DPR. Various agencies also take advantage of it, including the government, the private sector, and even to the meeting of mothers. We also see how the development of the webnar or zoom meeting is now," he explained.
Alvin said, adapting to new habits has made many parties maintain a communication style during the pandemic. Even in the world of education, virtual meetings are also a way of communicating and education methods, as evidenced by the presence of schools that implement blended learning or a combination of direct and indirect learning.
Therefore, Alvin assessed that the implementation of hybrid meetings in the work of the DPR should also be understood. Moreover, what the DPR does is not only limited to meetings, but also other functions. However, Alvin appealed to council members to continue to show their contribution when attending plenary meetings or virtual work meetings.
"But what also needs to be understood is that the members of the council must still be able to speak up, not AFK (away from keyboard) or idle," continued Alvin.