Brother's Visit "Sesehu": Banggai Regent To Karawang Sees Taiwanese-style Agriculture

JAKARTA - Banggai Regent Amirudin made a working visit to Karawang. The visit was carried out as part of the agenda for accelerating the achievement of the One Million One Yard Priority Program through the development of modern horticultural agriculture. Visits to the state are "temperature".

Amirudin visited the Department of Agriculture and Food Security in Karawang Regency and Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM). Amirudin, accompanied by the Head of the TPHP Drs Service. Subhan Lanusi and two horticultural farmers in Banggai Regency: Andre and Mardi Tane.

Banggai Regent was received by the Head of the Agriculture and Food Security Office of Karawang Regency Asep Azhar and the head of Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) Indonesia Mr. Kao Hsiang Tai. The purpose of the working visit was to see firsthand modern horticultural agriculture

"The purpose of this Working Visit is to see firsthand modern horticultural agriculture carried out through empowering farmer groups, increasing farmer capacity, and quality of agricultural production by the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of Karawang Regency and Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) so that we in Banggai Regency can replicate in terms of policies through the TPHP Service and implementing modern horticultural agriculture by two farmers, which we include specifically to see and study here," said Amirudin, Wednesday, June 28.

On that occasion, the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of Karawang Regency explained an overview of the potential for horticultural agriculture developed by TTM until the final process, namely controlling production quality and packaging to marketing. TTM has also proven its market potential.

Today's TTM agricultural production has been marketed at supermarkets in the Greater Jakarta area to Yogyakarta. In fact, in July TTM will conduct an initial export of agricultural products to Taiwan.

It was further stated that Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) chose Karawang Regency as the Horticulture Agricultural Development Area. TTM chose Karawang because the temperature is almost the same as Taiwan, which ranges from 32 Badminton-35. Climate matters, including temperature, according to Amirudin, are important variables to look at in the agricultural learning process.

"We are ready to accept a return visit from the Karawang Regency and Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) governments to develop a modern agricultural system in Banggai Regency, considering that our temperature condition is almost the same as the temperature in Taiwan. For the beginning of development and showing seriousness, we will prepare the land needed for the development of the horticultural agricultural system in Banggai Regency," said Amirudin.