The Construction Of The Tambaklorok Sea Embankment In Semarang Continues To Be Speeded

SEMARANG - The Semarang City Government, Central Java, together with the Sungai Basin Center (BBWS) of the Ministry of PUPR Pemali Juana continues to accelerate the construction of sea embankments by installing sheet piles in the Tambaklorok fishing village area.

Semarang Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu explained that the land acquisition which had become an obstacle at the beginning of the construction of the sea embankment had now been completed.

"At the beginning, land acquisition was a problem. Now it's finished. So, the land was not used to plant sheet piles, but to maneuver project vehicles," said Ita, her nickname, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 26.

Ita said as many as 28 plots of land in the western part of the project could be released, so that the construction of the sea embankment was no longer constrained and could be accelerated to be completed faster than the target.

With the acceleration of the construction of the sea embankment in Tambaklorok, he believes that the project for flood and tidal flooding in the coastal areas of Semarang City will be completed by the end of this year.

Meanwhile, Tanjung Mas Village Head Sony Yudha P Pradana said that the progress of the installation of sheet piles entering the 28th week of work had reached 18.6 percent or faster than the 16.9 percent target.

"Actually, the completion target is in 2024, but if the development acceleration is carried out like now, by the end of 2023 it is hoped that it will be completed," he said.

Regarding the floods and tidal waves that are subscribed to coastal areas, Sony admits that floods and tidal waves are still happening, but various efforts to deal with and aid have also been carried out.

"Indeed, currently (rob) is still there, but the Semarang City Government is still present to help the residents of Tambak Lorok, starting from basic food assistance to cash assistance," he said.

Not only social assistance, Sony ensured that the Semarang City Government had also allocated the APBD through the proposal for a development plan to raise uninhabitable houses (RTLH) belonging to Tambaklorok residents.

If the construction of the sea embankment is completed, he is optimistic that the flood and tidal issues that have been troubling the Tambaklorok community will end soon and the area will progress further.

"Yes, we hope that it can be a solution for floods and tidal waves for residents of five RWs and 35 RTs in Tambaklorok. Later, the potential for marine villages in the future can also develop more," he said.