Marcelino Lefrandt And Violenziamen Get Seriouser, When To Get Married?

JAKARTA - Marcelino Lefrandt is in a romantic relationship with Violenzia Badminton. With confidence, he said his relationship with his lover was getting positive and ready to go in a more serious direction.

"We go that way, what's more serious, has been said. So, we just have to see what our journey is going on in the future," Marcelino Lefrandt told the media crew at Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday, June 19.

The 48-year-old actor even said that his relationship with Violenzia had been known by both sides of the family. He has introduced his lover to his family, and vice versa.

However, Marcelino could not answer when he and his girlfriend would get married. He also does not have a special target, when to end his single period.

"There is no target. I can handle it for six years, there is no plan," he said.

Furthermore, Dewi Rezer's ex-husband felt that there were many things that needed to be prepared before marriage. Even though he was married, he felt that everything had to be studied first.

"Yes, basically there are still a lot to learn. I always say, 'learn on'," said Marcelino.

In addition, Marcelino said he was still busy with his current work, as was his girlfriend.

Currently, Marcelino admits that he is focusing on his project in the film world. On the other hand, his lover is also busy with business matters being carried out.

"Because there is still a lot of work. Because he is still starting a business career, so am I. Then, I also want to try producing, right, as well as prepare an action film," concluded Marcelino Lefrandt.