Minister Of Religion Arrives In Saudi Arabia Checks Who Armuzna Is

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas arrived in Saudi Arabia to check preparations for Armuzna's preparation at the peak of the Hajj pilgrimage of 1444 H / 2023 AD.

Minister of Religion Yaqut said he would review the Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina (Armuzna) to see and consolidate the readiness of organizing the hajj.

"What kind of preparedness is the shortcomings so that we can consolidate and cover up the weaknesses," he said upon arrival at King Abdul Azis International Airport, Jeddah, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 19.

In addition, Gus Yaqut, the Minister of Religion's nickname, appealed to Indonesian pilgrims, especially the elderly, to focus on welcoming the peak of the hajj by taking care of their physical needs.

The Minister of Religion asked the congregation to reduce the sunnah of worship.

"The sunnah worship has now been carried out, focusing on the peak of the pilgrimage," said Gus Yaqut.

He asked the congregation to prepare themselves, especially for the elderly, to prepare for the peak of the hajj so that everything would run well and smoothly and unwanted events would not occur.

In addition to checking Armuzna, the Minister of Religion will also meet with the Minister of Hajj of Saudi Arabia to convey several notes, most of which are positive notes.

Yaqut said several positive notes, namely good congregational welcoming services, addition of toilets in Arafah and provision of 15 golf cars for the evacuation of worshipers in Mina.

He will also attend the Taisyir 1444 H/2023 M Congress organized by the Government of Saudi Arabia.

The congress, which was attended by the World Minister of Religion, will discuss the fiqh of the pilgrimage.