While On A Healthy Road In Denpasar, Governor Koster Introduces Ganjar Pranowo As A Presidential Candidate
JAKARTA - Bali Governor Wayan Koster together with Ganjar Pranowo carried out healthy road activities in Denpasar, Bali on Saturday, June 17 morning.
Quoting Antara, based on direct observation, thousands of people have gathered at Niti Mandala Renon Square since 6.00 WITA wearing the dominant red dress.
Earlier on Friday, June 16, Koster first met Ganjar for the signing of a Java-Bali cultural cooperation between the Bali Provincial Government and the Central Java Provincial Government.
Meanwhile, this morning, they met to introduce Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate from the PDI-P.
From the north side of the field, right in front of the Bali Governor's Office, both of them paved the healthy road at around 6.45 WITA, then together with the community they walked around the Bajra Sandhi Monument.
Wayan Koster looks relaxed in a red t-shirt, as does Ganjar, who is wearing a black shirt with a white hat.
One of the people of Denpasar who was present named Ni Ketut Ariawati told the media that he deliberately followed a healthy path to see the figure of Ganjar Pranowo.
After his dream of meeting the Governor of Central Java was realized, Ariawati admitted that she would further support her in the 2024 General Election.
"I really support Pak Ganjar so that he can become a better president in leading Indonesia," he said.
In healthy road activities, regional arts are also presented, such as Baleganjur music typical of Bali, band marketing, to bobot music performed by Ikawangi Dewata.