SATRIA-1 Satellite Help Dissemination Of Information Region 3T More Optimal
JAKARTA - Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Director General of IKP Kemenkominfo) Usman Kansong said the presence of the Republic of Indonesia Satellite 1 (SATRIA-1) could help with dissemination of information in the 3T region (mainside, outermost) more optimally.
The Ministry of Communication and Information always continues to strive to educate and screen public information for people in the 3T region, especially through Public Information Extension (PIP). PIP is a program run under the Directorate General of IKPKemenkominfo.
"For the benefits of the IKP Directorate, this (SATRIA-1 internet) is very useful for Public Information Extension (PIP) in 3T areas," Usman said at a press conference for the preparation for the launch of SATRIA-1 in Orlando, Florida, USA, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 17.
According to Usman, so far PIP members while on duty to prepare programs and reports must experience a long journey to gain internet access.
Because they are in the 3T area, extension workers often have to make long trips to the capital city in their city or district to get internet access to send program material or performance reports.
"These Public Information Extensions (PIP) usually work in areas where there is no telecommunications network. Now, if there is an internet network (from SATRIA-1), we hope they can work better, for example making work reports to programs faster," said Usman.
Until the first semester of 2023, the Ministry of Communication and Information has coordinated 870 PIP people with task areas including 34 provinces, 412 districts and cities and reached 1,146 sub-districts.
It is known that the PIPs have served more than 180,403 people in Indonesia to get access to public information.
As for SATRIA-1, it is scheduled to launch on June 18, 2023 in Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA at 18.00 local time.
SATRIA-1 will launch using SpaceX's Falcon-9 rocket, the space company owns Elon Musk.
The 150 Gbps capacity satellite will later serve 50,000 points for public facilities such as schools, hospitals, health centers, village government offices, sub-districts, and sub-districts in the 3T area.