Provincial Government Prepares 12,267 Sacrificial Animals To Face Eid Al-Adha 2023 In East Kalimantan

SAMARINDA - The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan ensures that the availability of sacrificial cattle and goats is sufficient to meet the needs of the community on Eid al-Adha 2023.

Head of the Animal Health Division of the East Kalimantan Animal Husbandry and Health Service, Dyah Anggraini, revealed that currently, the availability of cattle reaches 12,267 or exceeds the needs estimated at 11,194.

Likewise, with goat livestock, the availability is 7,613, while the need is only 5,926.

"This means that the community does not need to worry about the need for sufficient sacrificial livestock in Eid al-Adha," he said.

Dyah said the sacrificial animals were imported from outside, namely NTT, Sulawesi, and East Java. The animal has been examined both laboratory and quarantine tests.

He also advised the public to buy sacrificial animals that had been marked and had a health certificate.

"Buyers can ask the seller if there is a health certificate on the sacrificial animals being traded," he asked.

According to Dyah, choosing sacrificial animals, at least understand how healthy the animals are by looking at how the animals are not based on one side.

Then, the eyes shine without dirt, ears, nose and mouth are wet, healthy, and the hair is bright and not dull. Also, examined by the legs and nails whether there are wounds.

He also ensured that related to verbal and nail disease (PMK), it did not happen again in the East Kalimantan region, considering that cases of infectious diseases in these animals had spread throughout Indonesia last year.

In addition, in an effort to ensure the health of sacrificial animals, the Animal Husbandry and Health Service has also formed a special team in each district/city.