Highlighted by Stranas PK, It Turns Out That There are 10.000 Registered Company Owners Receiving Social Assistance
JAKARTA - Poor data collection on social assistance (bansos) receipts at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) has become a highlight of the National Strategy for Prevention of Corruption (Stranas PK). There are thousands of company owners and controllers who apparently receive social assistance.
"There are 10,000 names (people, ed) who are called beneficial ownership, company controllers, even though the recipients of social assistance are at the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Stranas PK Implementing Coordinator Pahala Nainggolan in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 14.
This problem is called Pahala occurs due to lack of coordination between institutions. Entrepreneurs who often use other people's names to disguise their assets are also suspected of making inaccurate data collection.
Under these conditions, Stranas PK hopes that beneficial ownership actions can be implemented. Thus, companies are required to include the names of their controllers with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).
Entrepreneurs are expected not to ignore this requirement. "At the AHU Directorate General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, if you don't mention a name, there will also be a suspended sanction," said Pahala.
Not only that, but this action was also coordinated with the Team for the Acceleration of Legal Reform formed by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD. They were asked to help push for binding legal rules.
"Please speed up the amendment to the Perpres, so that there are procedures for verifying BO (beneficial ownership), providing sanctions other than administration," he concluded.