BNN Reveals 130 Kilograms Of Methamphetamine From 3 Cases Of International Networks In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia thwarted 130.97 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine or methamphetamine from three different locations in Indonesia.

This was revealed by the Head of the National Narcotics Agency Komjen Pol Petrus Reinhard Golose during a press conference held at the Port of Dwikora Pontianak, West Kalimantan as well as closing the Integrated Interdiction Sea Operations in 2023, Tuesday.

"The Integrated Investigation Sea Operation in 2023 has succeeded in uncovering the illicit trafficking of international network narcotics with evidence of 130.97 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine or methamphetamine," Golose said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.

He revealed that of the three locations, BNN secured 11 people who have now been named suspects. The eleven people want to smuggle narcotics into Indonesia through the Malacca Strait, North Sumatra and Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, East Java.

"Sejumlah orang tersangka yang mau memasukkan narkotika tersebut ke wilayah Indonesia melalui jalur perairan Selat Malaka, Sumatera Utara dan Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak," katanya.

Previously, the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency held an integrated interference sea operation in 2023 with the code of operation of Purnama (Joint Drug Trafficking Attack).

This investigative sea operation was officially opened by the Head of the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency, Petrus Reinhard Golose, at Pelindo Port, Sorong, Southwest Papua, Tuesday, May 25.

Golose explained that this sea operation involved a joint team from the Korpolairud Polri, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation and the Directorate General of Marine Resources and Fisheries of the KKP.

"The operation of the sea will take place from 23 May 2023 to 6 June 2023 with a locus of activities in the Malacca Strait and Makassar Strait," he said.

He said the patrol areas that were considered to be potentially prone to narcotics trafficking routes were targeted by the 2023 integrated operations including Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau and Riau Islands, Sulawesi Sea, Arafuru Sea, and Thousand Islands.

"This operation is none other than an effort to narrow the movement of narcotics trafficking in potential areas," he said.

In addition, said Golose, this operation also provided preventive and repressive effects to prevent the entry of narcotics or narcotics trafficking into Indonesian territory.

"We are trying to capture the targets of the smugglers or narcotics dealers who were found during this integrated interference sea operation," he said.

According to him, narcotics syndicates continue to try to smuggle narcotics into Indonesia by sea as happened some time ago.

"BNN together with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise succeeded in thwarting narcotics brought by foreign nationals from Iran in the waters of Merak Banten with evidence of 319 kilograms of methamphetamine," he said.

Golose also explained that this can also be seen from the prevalence rate of narcotics abuse in 2021 of around 1.95 percent or equivalent to 3.6 thousand people aged 15 to 64 years.

"The length of the coastline and the breadth of the sea as well as the very strategic geographical location are used by syndicates of narcotics crimes against international and national networks to smuggle, incorporate, distribute narcotics to Indonesian territory," he said.

On the other hand, said Golose, Indonesia has so far become the favorite location for the entry of narcotics from abroad because of the huge population.

"So that Indonesia has the potential to become a drug abuser, making narcotics syndicates continue to try to introduce narcotics into Indonesia as happened some time ago," he said.

Therefore, said Golose, integrated sea operations are very important every year and he hopes that this operation will run well and bring benefits to protect and save the people and the nation's generation from narcotics abuse.

The fleet of patrol boats deployed in the sea operation consisted of five ships belonging to the Director General of Customs and Excise, three Ditpolairud ships, three KKP ships and two KPLP ships.

Meanwhile, the personnel involved in the operation consisted of 43 personnel from the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency, 97 personnel from the Director General of Customs and Excise, 70 personnel from Ditpolairud, 36 KKP personnel and 26 KPLP personnel.