Police Are Investigating The Role Of 4 Coldplay Concert Ticket Fraud Actors Arrested In South Sulawesi
JAKARTA - Two perpetrators of fraudulent sales of Coldplay concert tickets who were arrested in South Sulawesi (Sulsel) arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City today, Friday, June 2.
Head of Cyber Unit of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, AKP Charles Bagasar, said the two perpetrators were immediately taken to Polda Metro Jaya to be investigated for their roles involved in this case.
"The roles are still being investigated and will be delivered during the press release," Charles told reporters at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City, Friday, June 2.
The two perpetrators were arrested along with two other perpetrators in the Pangkajene area, Maritengngae, Sidenreng Rappang on Thursday, June 1. However, only the two perpetrators were questioned at the Polda Metro Jaya.
"So a total of 4 perpetrators were arrested along with the following with evidence," he said.
Previously, it was reported that the South Sulawesi Police Resmob Team together with Unit II of the Tipidsiber Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya managed to arrest four perpetrators of fraudulent sales of Coldplay concert tickets in South Sulawesi.
"After successfully finding out the whereabouts of the fraudster, the team immediately arrested the alleged perpetrator," said Head of Resmob Polda Sulsel Kompol Dharma Negara, Thursday, June 1, confiscated by Antara.
The four perpetrators of the Coldplay concert ticket sale fraud were all men, each with the initials MS (23), Ab (38), MH (36) and Ad (20). The evidence confiscated by the police from the perpetrator's house was six cell phones.
Furthermore, the perpetrators and evidence were taken to the South Sulawesi Regional Police Resmob Command Post in Makassar for further investigation.
The perpetrators deceived the victim named Ida (48), a private employee who lives on Jalan Buaran II Klender, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta. The victim was deceived when he saw an upload on Instagram with the account name @jastipket.coldplay on May 13, 2023.