Coordinating Ministry For The Economy Accelerates The Development Of SEZs For Sanur And Kura-Kura

The Coordinating Ministry (Kemenko) of the Economy in collaboration with the Bali Provincial Government is focusing on encouraging the acceleration of the development of the Sanur and Kura-Kura Special Economic Zones (SEZ), in accordance with the mandate of Law (UU) Number 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation.

Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Susiwijono Moegiarso as Acting Secretary General of the National Council of SEZ said the government had stipulated the Decree of the Chairman of the KEK National Council Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Determination of PT Bali Turtle Island Development (BTID) as the Development Business Entity and Management Business Entity (BUPP) of the Kura-Kura Bali SEZ, which has the obligation to carry out regional development and management, including incoming investment flows.

Therefore, collaboration between the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and the Bali Provincial Government is very much needed.

"The Presidential Decree (Keppres) of the Regional Council is already there and submitted to the Governor. Earlier, the BUPP was also conveyed for the Kura Kura Bali SEZ, so that currently all formal requirements are complete for the two SEZs, we just need to be with the Governor of Bali to continue to encourage developments," said Susiwijono as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 1.

Meanwhile, there are currently 20 SEZs spread across Indonesia, two of which are located in Denpasar, Bali Province, namely the Sanur SEZ which is stipulated through Government Regulation Number 41 of 2022 and the Bali Kura SEZ which is determined through Government Regulation Number 23 of 2023. The existence of the two SEZs in Bali is expected to be able to make a real contribution in encouraging the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDRB) in Bali as well as opening jobs around Denpasar.KEK Bali Kura is targeted to be able to attract investments of Rp. 104.4 trillion and create jobs of 99,853 people directly or indirectly in 2025. Meanwhile, SEZ Sanur, who is more focused on moving in the field of health services, is targeted to be able to invite investments to reach Rp. 10.2 trillion and absorb labor as many as 43,647 people. Susiwijono assessed that, to realize the target, support and commitment from the entire stakeholder. To support the operationalization and development of SEZs in Bali. President Joko Widodo himself has issued Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2023 concerning the Bali Provincial KEK Council as Chair of the Regional Council, the Mayor of Denpasar as Deputy Chair of the Regional Council, the Regional Secretary of Bali Province as ex-officio Secretary of the Regional Council, as well as other Regional Council members.

According to him, the Regional Council needs to support SEZs by providing regional incentives that must be stipulated through regional regulations. In this case, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and the Bali Government agreed that the two SEZs in Bali must be able to become one of the sources of new economic growth in Bali.

These two SEZs must be a source of new economic growth in Bali. In addition to the Tourism sector that brings in tourists from other countries, we also have a special segment for the middle-up class for these two SEZs, which we will work on so that they can encourage Bali's PDRB in the future," he said.

Bali Governor I Wayan Koster stated that the business model in the two SEZs will bring in tourists with different spending quality. According to him, this is part of the transformation of tourism in Bali. "In terms of strategy, these two SEZs are very important for the Balinese economy. This SEZ will contribute to Bali's PDRB, encourage economic impact on related sectors, create new jobs, and bring in classy workers, and be able to reduce poverty and improve people's welfare," he concluded.

By : Bayu Saputra