Remind Not To Be Corruption, Ganjar Calls Village Heads An Important Role In Reaching National Targets

BANJARNEGARA Village heads and village officials, have a very important role in reducing stunting and poverty cases in Central Java. Therefore, Governor Ganjar Pranowo reminded village officials and heads to run government in villages in an accountable and clean manner from corruption.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after attending the Great Gathering of the Head Forum and Village Apparatus (FKPD) of Dipayudha, Banjarnegara Regency, at the Harris Hotel, Banjarnegara, Tuesday, May 30.

"We give a message that there is a target of reducing stunting rates, we must pursue extreme poverty. Of course, inline with my term of office which will end on September 5, we are boosted," said Ganjar.

So far, he has received a lot of input from the village head regarding village infrastructure. Especially related to the budget.

"So yesterday we tried to coordinate so that this less budget coverage could be included in the presidential program from village infrastructure," he said.

Ganjar said that the budget and financial management must be considered properly. Moreover, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) previously also noted that there was a delay.

"I asked to be chased. But thank God the Regent and Banjarnegara have checked directly. Pak Gub, Banjarnegara have finished 100 percent'. Well, we just need to remind other areas, "he explained.

Ganjar also appreciated that during the two terms of leadership, there were many villages that innovated. Not only in terms of governance, many villages innovate on village businesses including BUMDes, cooperation between villages, and even many villages that make applications to facilitate services to the community.

Well, these are good experiences that we must oversee. Of course, we give respect to the seriousness of the village heads in solving problems at the village level. So we are working on these national targets at the smallest level of government, namely the village.

"So that later if it is resolved, God willing, it will be narrowed up. The performance will be very good. I remind you just one, not corruption," he said.