The Rise Of Bullying Cases Revealed Is Called The Peak Of The Iceberg
JAKARTA - The Steering Committee for the National Movement for Digital Literacy (GNLD) for Cybercreation, Diena Haryana, said that a number of cases of bullying or bullying in children that were revealed were the tip of the iceberg of cases that were not revealed, many of which were believed to be more.
"There must be a lot of cases that were not revealed, because the number of schools in Indonesia is almost 500 thousand schools. This is what happens at schools, not outside schools. So, what is revealed in the mass media, on social media is really the tip of the iceberg," said Dinana Haryana, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 22.
Diena Haryana, who is also the founder of the Sejiwa Foundation, said that bullying can occur only due to trivial problems.
"What is often reported to us in Sejiwa is that there is bullying from senior students to juniors, for trivial reasons, such as disobedience, being asked to do something, is not done. You should be able to talk, embrace, but what happened even hit," said Diena Haryana.
Not only in schools, cases of bullying also occur outside the school.
"Not to mention bullying outside schools which is certainly more difficult to detect," he said.
His party also highlighted a brawl in teenagers that has occurred in a number of areas recently.
According to Diena Haryana, brawls are also a form of bullying.
He said these brawls were usually preceded by pranks, both from someone to someone else and from someone to a group.
"Then, it is not communication that is carried out to solve the problem, but impulsive response, in other words, hitting a stab," he said.