Entering The Dry Season, 5 Hotspots Appear In East Kalimantan

BALIKPAPAN - The Balikpapan Station Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) detected five hotspots (initinal indicators of forest and land fires) scattered in East Kalimantan, so all parties were invited to be vigilant so that the number of hotspots did not increase.

"The five hotspots were monitored throughout Saturday, May 20, from 01.00 to 24.00 WITA," said the Coordinator for Data and Information at the Sultan Aji Meteorological Station, Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan BMKG Balikpapan, Diyan Novrida, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, May 21.

He has also informed the distribution of these five hotspots to related parties, including the local Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) for further action.

Four days earlier, Tuesday, May 17, his party also detected 12 hotspots in East Kalimantan, but the hotspots had been extinguished after handling it by related parties and due to rain.

Meanwhile, the five hotspots monitored throughout last Saturday are new hotspots that appear in different locations with different coordinate points than the previous day.

A total of five hotspots are spread across two districts, namely in the district there are four points where all of them are in Derawan Island District, then in Kutai Kartanegara Regency one point is in Muara Badak District.

"Actually, it is still the rainy season, but in a number of areas there are those who experience days without rain in a few days, so we urge all parties to always be vigilant and must take care of each other so that forest and land fires do not occur," said Diyan.*