Dozens Of Buffaloes Died Suddenly In Muratara, South Sumatra, Officers Take Samples To Make Sure The Cause

PALEMBANG - The South Sumatra Province Livestock and Food Security Service (Sumsel) conducted a sample test to determine the cause of dozens of buffalo sudden death in North Musi Rawas Regency (Muratra).

Head of the South Sumatra Animal Husbandry and Food Security Service Ruzuan Efendi said the samples from several dead buffalo were taken by health workers from the local Regency Livestock Service.

Then, samples from the buffalo's blood and liver were taken to the Veterinary Laboratory in Lampung Province to get certainty over the cause of the buffalo's death.

According to him, based on reports from officers in the field where the buffalo died, it was suspected that they had contracted Tagere's throat disease.

The disease, named Latin Septiceimiaepizootica, is a disease that often attacks livestock, especially cattle and buffalo.

His party assessed that the allegations were corroborated based on the characteristics of livestock and humid weather conditions, because the rainy season was quite evenly distributed in Muratara.

"Even so, we cannot be sure if the samples have been fully correct. Yes, we hope that the results will come out soon," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 19.

While the laboratory testing process is ongoing, Ruzuan appealed to the Livestock Service officers in Muratara to immediately take mitigation measures so that the disease does not infect other livestock.

These mitigation efforts include maximizing the cleanliness of cages, maintaining feed, providing multivitamins and the like to increase livestock resistance data.

Previously, based on data from the Livestock and Food Security Service, it was known that the buffalo's death took place in the last three days, at least 30 buffalo died as of Friday morning.

Dozens of buffalo are livestock belonging to several residents in Rantau Kedam Village, Karang Dapo District, Muratara. Due to this incident, livestock owners suffered losses of more than Rp. 30 million per head.