25 Victims Of Trafficking In Persons In Myanmar Will Be Returned To Indonesia Next Week
JAKARTA - Director of General Crimes (Dirtipidum) Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Pol. Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro revealed that as many as 25 Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are victims of criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) in Myanmar will be repatriated from Bangkok, Thailand, to Indonesia next week.
"If I'm not mistaken, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that on May 23, they would be returned to the country," Djuhadhani said at a press conference at Bareskrim Polri, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 16.
Djuhandhani said that the number of Indonesian citizens who were victims of TIP to Myanmar was not 20 people but 25 people. Five other people managed to escape from Myanmar and were accommodated at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Thailand.
"We conveyed that from the previous 20 Indonesian citizens, five had fled from Myanmar, so there were 25 people," he said.
In this case, the Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri has arrested two perpetrators who dispatched 25 Indonesian citizens who were being held captive in Myanmar. The two suspects are Anita Setia Dewi and Andri Satria Nugraha.
Of the 25 victims of the TIP, 16 were recruited by suspects Andri and Anita. Meanwhile, nine other victims were recruited by other perpetrators who are still being chased on behalf of the initials ER.
"Of the 25 that we stated that 16 were recruited by Anita, then we have recorded nine on behalf of ER (perpetrators)," said Djuhandhani.
Meanwhile, at the press conference, the Coordinator of the Protocol and Consular Function of the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok, Dewi Lestari, was also present on a zoom basis from Bangkok, Thailand.
Dewi conveyed the latest developments on the handling of 25 Indonesian citizens who were victims of TIP in Myanmar who are currently still in Thailand.
He said that his party is currently assisting the screening process carried out by the Thai Government to the 25 Indonesian citizens.
"This screening process is part of the Thai government's efforts to identify victims of TIP," said Dewi.
Dewi also emphasized that the Indonesian government has received a commitment from the Thai government to accelerate the identification process of the 25 Indonesian citizens.
"Hopefully the process will be completed soon, for the 25 Indonesian citizens that we have identified. We also convey our appreciation to the Thai government in handling cases of 25 Indonesian citizens and can be repatriated to Indonesia," said Dewi.