Sultan Of Brunei Darussalam Datang, Minister Basuki Make Sure The Smoothness Of The ASEAN Summit
JAKARTA - Entering the second day of the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on Wednesday, May 10. Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono welcomed the arrival of the Sultan who was signed by Brunei Darussalam Hassanal Bolkiah at Komodo Airport, Labuan Bajo, at 07.45 WITA and will deliver Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah's return the following day, Thursday afternoon, May 11, 2023.
The arrival of the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam is the arrival of the last head of ASEAN member countries, following other member countries that have been present to participate in a series of activities at the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo.
In holding the 42nd ASEAN Summit, Minister Basuki acted as the Person in Charge of the Implementation of Summits and Logistics, based on Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 5 of 2023 concerning the National Committee for Indonesian Chairship in ASEAN in 2023.
As the person in charge of the Implementation of the Summit and Logistics, Minister Basuki wants to ensure the technical smooth implementation of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, such as the technical arrival and return of ASEAN leaders and delegations of member countries, as well as the safety and safety of the ASEAN Summit. Including, weather anticipation that can disrupt the course of activities.
"Regarding the weather, based on the BMKG report, there is a risk of rain in the afternoon and evening, so that on May 10-11, 2023, weather modification operations have been carried out in collaboration between BMKG, BRIN, the Ministry of Transportation, and the TNI," Minister Basuki said in a written statement, quoted Thursday, May 11.
In addition to hoping that the implementation of the ASEAN Summit can run smoothly from start to finish, Minister Basuki also hopes that the impact of cooperation between ASEAN countries can be felt concretely so that it is in accordance with the theme of Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN, namely ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth.
"The implementation of this ASEAN Summit is not just ceremonial, but we believe that it will produce more concrete things and ASEAN is truly the epicenter of growth," he concluded.