President Director Of PLN Directly Controls The Electricity System During The ASEAN Summit Via Command Center In Labuan Bajo

JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo directly oversees the electricity system for the locations for holding the ASEAN Summit (KTT) through the Command Post or the electricity command center in Labuan Bajo.

Darmawan explained that the existence of the electricity command center is one of the fruits of PLN's digital transformation.

"In the past, the process of regulating the electricity system for international-scale events was fragmented, carried out from each location of electricity infrastructure," Darmawan told the media, Tuesday, May 9.

According to him, with digitalization now everything can be done unilaterally, it can be monitored and controlled directly from one location.

"Through this real-time monitoring, we can immediately move quickly to make decisions, give command to officers, and execute them in the field so that electricity can continue to be reliable," Darmawan explained.

Just like previous international events, continued Darmawan, PLN also implemented an electricity scheme without flickering or Zero Down Time (ZDT) through layered supply at this ASEAN Summit.

PLN has prepared three supply layers or three lines of defense for 12 main venue locations.

In the first layer, PLN uses 70 units of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).

In the second layer, the UPS is connected to the PLN electricity network with high reliability.

While in the third layer there is a backup of 31 units of mobile generators and 35 units of mobile substations.

"This ASEAN Summit will become the face of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. For this reason, we must carry out all preparations optimally. This system backup is also prepared so that electricity flows to the venue will remain continuous if there is a disturbance in the main electricity supply," said Darmawan.

Darmawan explained, ahead of the implementation of a series of ASEAN Summit activities, the electricity load in Labuan Bajo began to increase.

The peak electricity load was recorded at 86.4 megawatts (MW) on Sunday 7 May at 18.30 WITA.

An increase of 3.1 MW from a normal day before the ASEAN Summit.

"Mr. President, delegates and invited guests have started arriving. Activities at hotels, restaurants, and other crowded centers have also increased. So that electricity demand has also increased, it can be seen from our monitoring being command center," said Darmawan.

Darmawan also predicts that the peak load during the ASEAN Summit event will reach 89.93 MW.

With a supply capacity of 105 MW, he believes the existing power reserves are still very sufficient.

In addition, the command center can also monitor the use of 108 Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) which are used to charge electric vehicles for delegates, security, and operations of the ASEAN Summit.

To date, there have been 1,088 times of vehicle charging at SPKLU, with a total electricity consumption of 8,246 kilowatt hour (kWh).

"The charging of each SPKLU electric vehicle can also be monitored in a special dashboard at a command center. So that we can monitor which charging in real time and which SPKLU is being used. This makes it very easy for us and Paspampres to regulate the location of charging electric vehicles," concluded Darmawan.