Budi Waseso's Idea To Bulog Sell Rice Packaged Sachets

JAKARTA - There are no two leaders of Budi Waseso (Buwas) as protectors of the community. He was able to work well according to his superiors' instructions. However, his breakthrough not only brought achievements, but also controversy. The idea of controversy is recorded everywhere.

Mulai kepemimpinannya di Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) hingga Perum Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog). Di Bulog, misalnya. Buwas pernah mengpanjangkan ide kontroversi menghadirkan beras ukuran packaging sachet untuk rakyat Indonesia. Demi memerangi mafia pangan, katanya.

The National Police has become the way of life of Buwas. The peak of his achievements began to unravel to the general public when he served as Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters. Even though his role was not so significant. However, who would have thought Buwas' achievements were even more flashy when he decided to work outside the barracks (Polri).

This opportunity was obtained by Buwas through President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in 2015. Jokowi saw that Buwas was able to bring BNN to become more accomplished. Buwas took that challenge. He was then able to become the most accomplished BNN leader.

Buwas became the leader of BNN who was able to thwart the smuggling of one ton of crystal methamphetamine from Taiwan in Anyer, Banten. The arrest made his name even more complete. Therefore, every movement of Buwas often attracts the attention of many people.

Mainly, when Buwas came up with the idea of 'yeleneh' to deter drug dealers. He wanted to create a special drug prison filled with crocodiles. Buwas perpetuated this desire because he saw the sadistic steps taken by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (2016-2022) in fighting drugs.

This desire has come under fire from many parties. Moreover, Buwas made Duterte, who incidentally violated human rights (HAM) hard for the sake of law enforcement of drug abuse.

For the sake of calm in the Palace environment, Komjen Pol Buwas was assigned his position from Bareskrim Polri to the Head of BNN at the same level as the position of Director General of Echelon IA at the Ministry. Given the performance of Komjen Pol Budi Waseso as Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) whose achievements are very good in dealing with drug problems, then President Joko Widodo improves the status of BNN at the level with the Minister.

"He has achieved this in less than a year since serving as head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, an extraordinary achievement. This dynamic makes Buwas one of the leaders of BNN who has achievements," said Monang Siahaan in the book Ahok Pun Digoyang and Rupa-rupa Peristiwa(2016).

Buwas's existence at BNN has finally ended. He ended his service at BNN and also the National Police in 2018. However, Buwas wants to continue serving Indonesia. He is ready to be placed in all fields. Even though he is not a law enforcer.

He then accepted the Indonesian government's offer to enter a new field. He was appointed as the main director of the institution that manages Indonesian food, Perum Bulog for the first period 2018-2023 (later Buwas was re-elected as President Director in a period of two). The general assembly is also looking forward to the latest action from Buwas who is preparing to face the food mafia.

The ideas to perpetuate Bulog were also considered by him. Everything so that Bulog can bring many benefits to all Indonesian people, not all investors. Buwas also perpetuated Bulog to make a sachet packaged rice containing 200 grams in May 2018.

Buwas considered the idea quite brilliant. The step to provide small packaged rice is considered to be able to break the chain of the rice mafia. This is because people can easily get rice for one meal (sufficient for three servings). After all, people don't have to buy rice, which in fact has a lot of sizes of five to 10 kg.

However, the realization of Buwas' idea is considered controversial by many parties. Buwas and Bulog are asked to focus on fighting the rice mafia and rice imports, rather than being busy selling packaged rice sachets that do not yet have a definite market.

Even because the presence of sachet packaged rice is not yet very popular in society. Rice that is known to have a Rice brand We don't sell well. People are still busy struggling with larger rice for their daily needs.

"Clashing the chain earlier and now I have made the packages already in BUMN retail and all other retail markets are only available with a rice Rupiah of 5-10 kilos, maybe I will follow them to make rice for sachets of rice, which contains 200 grams which can be purchased with the community at a minimum price of Rp. 2,000, food and rice will be available anywhere. "

"It has been through Bulog that Bulog's network is no longer going to issue bulk rice because later it can be distributed again retail buyers and the public becomes expensive. I may also have a game in the field about the rice," said Buwas as quoted by Detik.com, 9 May 2018.