Lung Doctor Says, Alternative Tobacco Results In Water Steam

JAKARTA - Pulmonary specialist, Dr Yahya Sp.P, said alternative tobacco products are different from conventional cigarettes because they only produce water vapor or aerosol. "This is because the product implements a heating system at controlled temperatures, not through the combustion process and does not cause smoke like in cigarettes," said Dr Yahya, quoted from Antara, Sunday.

Therefore, alternative tobacco products, such as heated tobacco products, nicotine bags, and e-cigarettes have a lower risk profile than cigarettes. This product can be used for adult smokers as an option to switch from their habits. "Because he only contains water vapor and a few essens, and the second does not cause yellow teeth. Third does not cause people around him (so) passive smokers," he said.

The content in cigarettes such as TAR can enter the oral cavity and the outermost layers of teeth, enamel, thus making it yellowish or brownish.

Furthermore, Dr Yahya said nicotine is addictive or can cause dependence, but nicotine is not the main cause of dangerous diseases related to smoking habits. The view was reinforced by an explanation from Cancer Research UK, an independent cancer research organization from the UK. Based on its official website, nicotine is not the main trigger for various dangerous diseases related to smoking habits such as cancer. The main trigger of the dangerous disease is TAR, a compound that arises from the burning process on cigarettes. Referring to the National Cancer Institute of the United States, TAR contains a variety of carcinogenic compounds that can trigger lung cancer, emphysema, or other lung problems. Of the approximately 7 thousand chemicals present in cigarette smoke, 2,000 of which are found in TAR. Ahli Toxicology and Lecturer of the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), dr. Shoim Hidayat, adding nicotine so far is considered to be a source of health problems in cigarettes rather than TAR. In fact, the TAR which is the cause of various diseases related to smoking activity. "So, nicotine is not at all carcinogenous. Carcinogenous materials are present in the TAR," he said. As an anticipatory step, Shoim advised adult smokers to stop smoking in order to reduce exposure to TAR. If it is difficult, adult smokers can switch to alternative tobacco products. This product applies a heating system so as to produce water vapor (aerosol). Therefore, the risk profile is much lower than cigarettes. "The potential for disease due to chemicals is determined by its content. If it is very large then it has the potential to cause disease. So, if those who enter it is small, yes, the potential is small," he said.