5 Years Absent, BTPN Distributes Dividends Of Up To IDR 619 Billion

JAKARTA - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of Bank BTPN decided to distribute dividends from net profit for the first time since 2017.

Bank BTPN President Director Henoch Munandar explained, of the total net profit of IDR 3.10 trillion in 2022, Bank BTPN will distribute 20 percent or IDR 619.14 billion to shareholders.

"The BTPN Bank AGMS has determined the remaining net profit after deducting dividend allowances as retained earnings," he told the media quoted on Friday, April 14.

Furthermore, he added, positive growth in net profit could not be separated from the performance and strong fundamentality of Bank BTPN.

It was noted that Bank BTPN reported a net profit growth of 16 percent in 2022 which was supported by an increase in operating income and a decrease in credit costs.

"Bank BTPN has succeeded in keeping the liquidity ratio and funding at a healthy level," he added.

In addition to dividend distribution, the BTPN AGMS also decided to determine the latest composition of the board of directors and board of commissioners.

The shareholders approved the appointment of Atsushi Hino as Director replacing Kan Funakoshi, with a term of effective from the work permit and residence permit obtained in full until the 2025 AGMS.

Atsushi has followed and passed the fit and proper test based on the decision letter of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Not only that, Bank BTPN also determined changes to the composition of the Board of Commissioners with the receipt of Irwan Mahjudin's resignation by the company from his position as the company's independent commissioner and appointed Onny Widjanarko whose term of office would be effective after obtaining OJK approval until the 2025 AGMS.

The following is the new composition of the Directors of Bank BTPN:

1. President Director: Henoch Munandar

2. Wakil Direktur Utama:mencuruh Furuya

3. Deputy President Director: Darmadi Sutanto

4. Director: Dini Herdini

5. Director: Atsushi Hino (effective since his work permit and residence permit were obtained in full)

6. Director: Hiromichi Kubo

7. Director: Merisa Darwis

8. Director: Hanna Tantani