Ministry Of Tourism And Creative Economy Private Collaborates To Encourage Potential Tourism Villages

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) cooperates with the private sector to encourage the potential of a sustainable tourist village through the development of the tourist village of Cibeusi, Subang, West Java.

"Today we visited one of the 75 tourist villages, namely Cibeusi Village in Subang Regency, West Java, to jointly witness the potential and opportunity for tourism directly. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy believes to optimize the potential of tourist villages such as Cibeusi, must establish cross-sectoral cooperation," said Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno during a visit to the village on Friday, April 7.

In a press release from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in Jakarta on Saturday, April 8, the visit was a series of activities for the 2023 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI), which was initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

ADWI 2023 is a strategic program to encourage and support the development of the potential of tourist villages in Indonesia, so that it becomes a world-class tourist destination, competitive and sustainable.

"In order to make the series of events for the 2023 Indonesian Tourism Village Award, we have carried out the stages of curation and announcement of the top 75 of the 2023 ADWI Tourism Village. The announcement is based on the results of the desk assessment of a total of 4,573 registered tourist villages and completes the data," Sandiaga said, quoted by Antara.

Cibeusi Village as a tourist village area is included in Ciater District, Subang, West Java. As a buffer, protection, and conservation area, Ciater District has an area of 1,200 hectares which needs to be maintained to protect its function as a water catchment area for the Cipunagara river basin (DAS).

Since 2019, the private sector, namely Danone Indonesia, has collaborated with the Indonesian Javlec Foundation (Java Learning Center) under the umbrella of the CSR program, the AQUA Subang Factory has implemented various green economy-based environmental conservation programs by integrating institutional strengthening efforts, economic empowerment and socio-cultural empowerment, education, and physical conservation efforts such as tree planting, construction of infiltration wells, biopores, and raids.

To date, it has been recorded that 49,000 trees have been planted and 1,000 biopore holes have been built, 75 infiltration wells, and 2,000 roraks. In addition to preserving the environment, this effort is also able to prevent floods and landslides due to high rainfall in this area throughout the year. Village spatial management is also carried out in the hope of preventing land use and supporting sustainable environmental management.

As part of the Cibeusi Tourism Village development program, to encourage community economic growth, the private sector also carries out a community assistance program through the Cipta Asih Village Owned Enterprise (Bumdes). Until 2023, the Giri Asih Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) has been fostered by making efforts to increase capacity for 75 administrators.

They also coordinate with PERHUTANI and care for 10,000 coffee plants around the area, while continuing to provide guidance for the management of the Madu Village in the Sabanda Sariksa Group. This is part of the support for the provision of facilities and infrastructure for the development of MSMEs with up to 100 beneficiaries.

Earlier this year, Danone Indonesia signed a partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to support the development of 14 tourist villages in seven provinces in Indonesia covering Lumban Bulbul Village in North Sumatra, Pancawati Village, Banceuy Traditional Village, Pesanggrahan Village, and Cibeusi Village in West Java, Blederan Village and Tanjunganom Village in Central Java, Karangasem Village in Yogyakarta, Jatiarjo Village in East Java, Glagah Linggah Village, Ponduk Sidan Village and Bongkasa Pertiwi Village in Bali, and Lihunu Village, Tumaluntung Village in North Sulawesi.

This support includes scope, including utilization and exchange of data and/or information, implementation of support for facilities and infrastructure, assistance and strengthening governance, environmental conservation and/or biodiversity, as well as other collaborative activities that can support the economic growth of the community.