Working On Illegal Gold Mines, Dozens Of People Arrested By The Kaltara Police

TARAKAN - On March 22, 2023, the Kaltara Police carried out Operation Kayan PETI 2023 at illegal gold mining in Sekatak District, Bulungan Regency.

In this operation, the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the North Kalimantan Police arrested 13 people in illegal mines.

"Successfully securing 13 people and three excavators," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the North Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol. Hendy F. Kurniawan in a short message received in Tarakan, Friday.

In addition, a dump of trucks, dozens of cyanides, dozens of carbon sacks and combustion equipment and other tools were secured.

From the results of the investigation, it was determined that initials A was a suspect because of the work of people and equipment at the location of PT. BTM without a Mining Jas Business License (IUJP) and other licensing equipment.

From the results of the examination of witnesses and suspect A, there was a woman with the initials N who acted as the permit provider or illegal gold mining processing work.

"We picked up the woman with the initials N, Thursday afternoon (6/4) at around 11.30 WIB at a hotel in East Jakarta after being absent twice," said Hendy, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, April 7.

Suspect N has an important role related to the alleged illegal gold Mintamraya carried out by five groups of illegal gold miners from the results of the operation of Kayan PETI 2023 in Sekatak.

"Today at 13.30 WITA, suspect N and the investigative team have arrived at the Ditreskrimsus Polda Kaltara," he concluded.