Regent Dadang Supriatna Says Bandung Regency Still Lacks 8,000 Officers

BANDUNG - Bandung Regent Dadang Supriatna submitted a proposal to add the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) within the scope of the local Regency Government (Pemkab) because there is still a shortage of 8,000 civil servants.

"The Bandung Regency Government still lacks around 8,000 employees (ASN), so it affects the number of services to the community," Dadang said in a written statement in Bandung, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, April 5.

Dadang revealed that the number of Bandung Regency Government employees currently consists of ASN, Government Employees with Employment Agreements (P3K), and Prospective Civil Servants (CPNS) of 14,997 people, 10,998 honorary workers.

"With the number of employees of 26,000 people, of course, it is not commensurate with the population of Bandung Regency which is currently recorded at 3.7 million people," he said.

With the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform regulations relating to no longer being able to accept honorary workers, his party has also tried to conduct consultations, asking for directions and clarity from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform regarding regulations governing the addition of employees so that they are not mistaken in making policies.

The proposed additional staff is also an effort to cover the need for five hospitals in Bandung Regency, where by 2023, two of them will have been completed.

"I really want to fight. I don't want to play games in this matter, because this concerns the lives of many people. However, I still have to obey the rules," said Dadang Supriatna.

The plan to abolish honorary workers was stated in the Letter of the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform signed by Tjahjo Kumolo on 31 May 2022.

The letter explains the Employment Status within the Central Government and Regional Government Agencies addressed to Personnel Development Officers (PPK) in central or regional Ministries/Institutions.

The government is said to be unable to appoint all honorary workers to become ASN, because it will burden the state budget.

The Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform will officially remove honorary workers from ministries or government agencies starting November 28, 2023.