Reading Eid Business Opportunities And 7 Parcel Sales Tips

The contents of the parcels are placed in a basket and arranged until they are beautiful. The items that have been neatly arranged in the basket are then wrapped in plastic to make it neater and add a typical Idulfitri ribbon to make it more beautiful.

Eid al-Fitr's business opportunities are always wide open because in that month many people are looking for gifts to be given to neighbors, relatives, and relatives. For those of you who plan to open a Eid parcel or hampers business, there are several tips that can be considered, namely as follows.

The first step you have to do is to control how to pack parcels. The current parcel packaging varies, some use plastic wrap to cloth. You can adjust the parcel packaging to market needs.

It must be noted that the parcel business is a seasonal business that mushroomes during Ramadan. For those of you who plan to open this business, it is recommended to do market research first. You should also know who your market target is, for example, the target market is Muslims who live in Jakarta. Also know the trends that occur, for example, currently health items are still in demand so you can include masks or hand sanitizers into parcels.

You are advised to create social media with good naming. In the business world, social media has many benefits such as making it easier for you to market products, as a catalog, or as a media to build brand awareness.

After doing market research and making social media, you are also advised to look for parcel suppliers including baskets, contents, and knick-knacks. Looking for important suppliers is done so that the profits you get can be more. You have to consider the price between the supplier one with the other and take the lowest price.

When choosing the contents of the parcels, choose the product carefully to avoid complaints from customers. For example, you must choose halal products with good packaging. Avoid food or beverage products with a tight expiration period. Try to choose products that are familiar with the community.

The more choices of parcels available, it will make it easier for buyers to make their choice. Buyers tend to choose a store that provides a variety of parcel packaging. It is also recommended to increase the number of parcel models, for example, that you provide parcels with baskets, cardboard, and tupperware. Expanding the shape of the parcel will also increase the good impression of your shop in the eyes of customers. Expand the parcel decoration to make it more lively and elegant.

Apart from forms, you are advised to increase the choice of parcel prices. For example, the parcels you sell are valued at Rp. 50,000, Rp. 100,000, or according to the customer budget. Increase the choice of parcel prices to help customers to buy parcels according to their funds.

In addition to reading opportunities for the Eid al-Fitr parcel business, visit VOI.ID for other news updates.