Beware Of Speech Delay If Four-Year-Old Children Difficult To Talk

JAKARTA - The therapist Wicara Bangkit Pratama said parents must be aware of Speech Delay (the slowness of speech and language) if the four-year-old has a speech disorder. "There is tolerance speech delay that is four years old, after that we have to be vigilant. There could be a disturbance," said Bangkit, quoted from Antara, Sunday. Bangkit said that the symptoms of Speech Delay may exist when born will disappear at the age of two to three years, if that is more than that, parents must be vigilant. Parents must understand the process of child development, age zero to six months new children can be babbling (obscene), added Bangkit. "Then at the age of six to 12 months children must be able to speak even though it is strange, that's what we usually call planetary language," he said. After the age of two years a child must be able to combine vocal letters and consonants such as "Papa" or "mama". Furthermore, there are stages where children must be able to use a language with one word term then two terms and continuously until a child can say one word in full, added Bangkit.

"The sign we can suspect is that if the child is more than two years old but has not been able to control 20 to 50 words, they can be brought to the therapist, the sooner the better," he said. Bangkit said there was a connection with the child's speech skills with his motor skills. Parents can see it in the pink book (mother and child health books) which were shared in Posyandu.